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Groundhog Day Wishes - Fixed vs. Growth Mindsets growth habit formation mindset organization Mar 17, 2021

I can't believe I missed writing this post last week when Groundhog Day was upon us. Someone employing a fixed mindset might say, "ah well, it wasn't meant to be," while someone using a growth mindset might say, "you know what, I'm going to blaze forward because I see an opportunity here,...

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The Scary Kind of Change courage fear growth mindset Mar 17, 2021

Some things frighten us deeply to our core. The fright comes from the potential of loss pain; Loss of a loved one, loss of carefully curated wealth, loss of status and stature, loss of identity.

 There are other sources of fright that are a bit more complicated. They involve process pain,...

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The Richness of Being growth high-performance coaching history meditation mindful intention Feb 09, 2021

How can life be considered fair, in any respect? No matter who we are, no matter where we are born, there is a trap that we can fall into when we envy and when we become victims. And yet, there are those among us who are filled with contentment regardless of their station. What, then, is their...

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Chop Wood, Carry Water clarity growth motivation purpose Feb 09, 2021

The foundation for a society that reveres the individual is the reliance on Natural Law. There are some rights that are undeniable to anyone in that they are deemed to have come from our creator, such as Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Similarly, there are some undeniable truths that...

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Perspective and Progress - Dealing with the Chaos courage growth history positive psychology Mar 16, 2020

"These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this...

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The Trap of Taking Things for Granted frameworks growth personal growth Mar 09, 2020

When the going gets good, the good stand pat. Human beings are like atoms, they seek the lowest energy state, and then they lay low unless provoked. Like the fable of the slowly boiled frog. If we are too comfortable, then we are likely to settle and minimize risk. If we settle for too long, we...

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After the Spark - Follow Through and Consistency growth habit formation inspiration personal growth Feb 10, 2020

Look at a life, your life, as a work in progress. It's a W.I.P. It's a W.I.P. in perpetuity. That is the essence of the High-Performance Lifestyle. Those of us who are always working, always striving, always growing are living an Optimized Life. This is a life defined by Full Engagement, Maximum...

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Think! courage fear growth motivation positive psychology Jan 13, 2020

The pressure is really on folks. This is the first (second) BLOG post of a new decade. OK, OK. I confess. My first post of the year was going to be this one, but I had a change of heart. Big deal, right? Well, yes. It is a big deal. I was going to write about a seriously big topic, like the...

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What's your New Years MEME? clarity energy growth habit formation journaling meditation motivation positive growth reading list Jan 06, 2020

The decks are cleared. It's a new decade. The year is 2020. My perspective is "2020." This is my MEME. (What the heck is a MEME?) I can see things for what they are. I know more than ever what I am doing this year. It took all of December for me to get here. And what a December it was! There were...

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Always do your BEST - The Fourth Agreement growth habit formation high performance mindful intention reading list spirituality Dec 09, 2019

This one seems pretty obvious, doesn't it? I mean, "Always do your best" has been told to us from time immemorial, or for me since Father Dowdell would take me aside, my lungs filled with pain, defeated that I couldn't keep up in cross country, and he would say "my friend, my friend, as long as...

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