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The Richness of Being

growth high-performance coaching history meditation mindful intention Feb 09, 2021

How can life be considered fair, in any respect? No matter who we are, no matter where we are born, there is a trap that we can fall into when we envy and when we become victims. And yet, there are those among us who are filled with contentment regardless of their station. What, then, is their secret?

I'm convinced we have been sold a bill of rotten goods. It's not the first time you've heard that modern marketing and social media make for malicious manufactured outcomes. Happiness is hardly possible with the headwind of information overload. What others portray themselves as and what unscrupulous influencers want us to buy, make us feel like we are never enough. 

I think the answer is simple to see but difficult to realize. To realize it, we must break things down to their simplest components. I'm talking about life here. And what is this simple component? It is merely to live. Life is enough in the living. 

The connection to a higher power does matter. It would be that regardless of the religion or lack of practice thereof, people are most content when they feel connected to the infinite. Imagine, if you will, a solitary man on a deserted island. What is to prevent him from going insane? Connection to the infinite brings solace and neutralizes loneliness. Of course, it's a massive struggle at times. But connection to the infinite with a conduit of community around us is living. 

Bereft of Spirit and connectedness to the infinite, we are empty and cynical, always comparing ourselves to others. Seldom at peace.

In living, what can we cultivate, independent of riches, that will make us richer? Cultivate your Superpowers. These might be based on values, beliefs, or innate skills. However, I want to share three that we all can cultivate throughout our lives to continually enhance the richness of being. 

At the base is meditation, or prayer. Meditation comes in many forms. As I am known to say. Washing dishes is a meditative experience if you are fully present in that activity. Forms of dynamic mediation have been around for a long time. Older forms are the Whirling Dervishes of Sufi tradition. Recently Luangpor Teean Cittasubho, a Thai Buddhist Monk, brought Mahasati Meditation involving 15 separate hand movements to the west, each one done with intention and presence, but without thought. 

Meditation connects us. It cleans our minds and opens our hearts. We are part of a centered infinite in reflection.

Superpower number two is your imagination. Without imagining, there is nothing. There is no progress. There is no growth. Imagination allows us to consider the impossible and develop hope by charting the path forward with the agency we need to get things done. 

Through the cultivation of connected intention (meditation), cultivated hope (imagination), our third superpower is fed; Intuition. Our intuition is a hotline to our better angels and our spirit guides. It is the divine Mother-Father-God who loves us unconditionally and forever. It is the connection to the infinite.

Once we decouple through meditation and expand through imagination, we've cleansed our minds and opened our hearts, we set our intentions and move to create something new. Here, our intuition leads us.

If you want to know more about cultivating these superpowers to create a better you, please reach out. We can schedule a free full hour of coaching that I guarantee will be the cornerstone of growth and transformation. 

Schedule your session here. I'll reach out before our time together, and I'll tell you how it all works.

Be well, dear reader.

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