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The Autotelic Personality - Unselfconscious Individuality clarity consciousness flow mindset purpose Dec 14, 2021
Today we are back at it, discussing "Flow."
Flow State, also known as being in "the zone," is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity where the...
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Antidote to Chaos flow happiness purpose Nov 09, 2021
Over 2300 years ago, Aristotle observed that more than anything else, women and men seek Happiness. Indeed, the great philosophers throughout antiquity informed our founding fathers to conclude that our great nation would provide fertile soil for anyone, regardless of their origins, to have a...
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I know Your Purpose growth mindset purpose Aug 05, 2021
I believe that we are not put on this world for one reason and one reason only. Our purposes are many. But some are universal and timeless. Finding your purpose, essentially your vocation (the intersection of your skills, your passions, and where you find abundance), is, in essence, your search...
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Finding Purpose in Everything You Do courage growth mindset purpose Apr 07, 2021

I have to admit, finding purpose has always been an elusive endeavor. At times I would feel deeply about my purpose, and other times, meh. If only I could label it, bottle it, and drink it on demand, wouldn't that be grand? Well, you can. We all can. It's not that hard.

I don't believe we have...

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Understanding Mastery growth mastery mindset motivation purpose Mar 31, 2021

Last week, I introduced Daniel Pinks's first element to his motivation framework; Autonomy. This alone is a key motivator. But, there is more!

You would not be surprised to know that 50% of employees are not engaged at work in the US. To live a Charged Life, we desire full engagement, joy, and...

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Autonomy Motivates entreprenuership growth mindset motivation personal growth purpose Mar 28, 2021

Once upon a time, I worked at a wildly successful company. It was deeply science-based so that I could geek out on the awesomeness of its tech. It was a dominant market leader because it took calculated risks. It was expertly managed. It was autonomous.

One day, while in transit from visiting my...

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Chop Wood, Carry Water clarity growth motivation purpose Feb 09, 2021

The foundation for a society that reveres the individual is the reliance on Natural Law. There are some rights that are undeniable to anyone in that they are deemed to have come from our creator, such as Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Similarly, there are some undeniable truths that...

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Your PURPOSE is staring you Right In The Face! growth purpose Sep 16, 2019

An associate of mine recently wrote that the concept of one's PURPOSE is ephemeral and elusive. I get that. Finding one's PURPOSE is quite a profound and lofty ideal. Unless we are the Dali Lama (Rule Tibet, but in exile to be an inspiration of Buddist life), Tom Brady (Find the open man, or...

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