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The Power of Now positive mindset reading list Mar 23, 2020

In times of turbulence, we turn to transcendent texts and tomes that teach us a better way. Some of these are The Bible and the Koran. Some contemporary guides to spiritual growth are books such as "The Four Agreements" and "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle.


This week starts a series of...

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What's your New Years MEME? clarity energy growth habit formation journaling meditation motivation positive growth reading list Jan 06, 2020

The decks are cleared. It's a new decade. The year is 2020. My perspective is "2020." This is my MEME. (What the heck is a MEME?) I can see things for what they are. I know more than ever what I am doing this year. It took all of December for me to get here. And what a December it was! There were...

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Always do your BEST - The Fourth Agreement growth habit formation high performance mindful intention reading list spirituality Dec 09, 2019

This one seems pretty obvious, doesn't it? I mean, "Always do your best" has been told to us from time immemorial, or for me since Father Dowdell would take me aside, my lungs filled with pain, defeated that I couldn't keep up in cross country, and he would say "my friend, my friend, as long as...

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Positive PRODUCTIVITY Pathways Produce Palpable Personal Progress clarity energy habit formation productivity reading list Aug 26, 2019

There is not a person on the face of the earth that does not want to get more done, or better said, to have another day in the week to get more done. Alternatively, perhaps that other day would be to lounge, laugh and luxuriate. An eighth day in the week. Only if. Then, you would want a ninth; I...

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Dig up the Roots of Anxiety habit formation human dynamics meditation positive psychology reading list Jul 08, 2019

I am a strong advocate of sitting still and just thinking. We do precious little of this in our lives, what with all of the crazy distractions that can eat away at our precious mental energy. When I'm in a meditative space, with some free time, I'm open to thinking of the big things and the...

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To Think or Not to Think - Spirituality and Practicality entreprenuership meditation mindful intention motivation reading list Jun 10, 2019

From a spiritual perspective, overthinking is the devils' playground. Think about that. 

How often do you dwell? Do you routinely ruminate? It happens to me all the time. It is a very selfish endeavor. When I emerge and realize my folly, it reminds me with striking CLARITY of the 2nd Toltec...

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An Illuminating Definition of Love high-performance coaching human dynamics reading list May 20, 2019

In our roles as coaches to the many people in our lives, we desire to influence, by definition then; we strive to change the way people think. Looking at things from a different perspective offers us insight into new pathways for change and adaptation as we move through life. In this way, authors...

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