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Autonomy Motivates entreprenuership growth mindset motivation personal growth purpose Mar 28, 2021

Once upon a time, I worked at a wildly successful company. It was deeply science-based so that I could geek out on the awesomeness of its tech. It was a dominant market leader because it took calculated risks. It was expertly managed. It was autonomous.

One day, while in transit from visiting my...

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To Think or Not to Think - Spirituality and Practicality entreprenuership meditation mindful intention motivation reading list Jun 10, 2019

From a spiritual perspective, overthinking is the devils' playground. Think about that. 

How often do you dwell? Do you routinely ruminate? It happens to me all the time. It is a very selfish endeavor. When I emerge and realize my folly, it reminds me with striking CLARITY of the 2nd Toltec...

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