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Perspective and Progress - Dealing with the Chaos

courage growth history positive psychology Mar 16, 2020

"These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly…"


Written by Thomas Paine on December 23, 1776, this short excerpt from his essay entitled "Crisis" was published in his pamphlet "Common Sense." Paine was a corsetmaker by trade, a journalist by profession, and perhaps the most effective pamphleteer of the Revolutionary War. His plain-spoken prose inspired the founders of the United States to action.


In proper perspective, we can view the events of today as trying times; however, we can gain solace in the knowledge that what we face as individuals, as a country, and as a race, while a massive challenge, is something that we will conquer; of this, I have no doubt.


We face a genuinely unique conflict. It's unprecedented in most of our lifetimes. The events which caused the great social upheavals of the past; 9/11, The Iraq Wars, The late 1960's, assassinations, World War II, are far behind us. The Coronavirus of 2020; we are Americans; WE GOT THIS.


Is there a silver lining in all of this? I see two very realizable benefits from this shared experience.


First, this nationally shared experience will forever alter the sanitation behaviors of our American culture permanently. In 2020, when we look back on this year in the rearview mirror, I believe that the effects of Covid-19 event will be lost in the noise of the day. However, the impact on the sanitation habits of American Culture will save lives annually and in perpetuity.


Second, this event has laid bare many critical facts regarding our relationship with China. Perhaps the most important is that China manufactures 95% of our antibiotics. Think about that for a moment. Globalization has made us too dependent on other nations. I believe a great national awakening will result, thereby vastly improving the security of the United States and the World.


Finally, what can we do? 


First, stop the constant dependence on the latest news updates. Realize that the mass media is a business. They thrive on clicks and views. To maximize profit, do you think they will be reasoned and measured, or sensationalistic and over the top? Of course, you know the answer.


Second, be the calm at the center of the storm. Have confidence that no matter what, we will be able too to figure this out. Find the time to journal and meditate and to live in the present for your family and friends.


Third, GROW! Commit to come out of this experience a better person. Like my partner, Suki and her daughter Oona, make a 30-day ab challenge with all of your friends. Find a new skill and master it. Look at Udemy or Skillshare as resources. Write handwritten letters to those you love. Reach out to people you haven't spoken to in years. Read a great personal growth and development book. There is so much we can do, and now we have fewer distractions, so, JUST DO IT!


Finally, think big to help your community. I've been obsessing over two things that I'm going to try to do. 


The first Wild Ass Goal (WAG) I heard last night that all Massachusetts restaurants will be closed until April 15. Today I am going to reach out to the Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce and the Mayor of Gloucester with an idea. I want to start a Go Fund Me Page to pay the rent of Cape Ann's restaurant workers for the month. This effort is a bit audacious, I know, but I'm going to try. I'll let you know how it goes next week.


The second WAG is easily realizable. I'm pulling together as many of my Certified High-Performance Coach colleagues and other respected professionals to provide no-cost 1-hour webinars on how to cope with the Covid-19 event. I've got six people already lined up for this, including best-selling authors, wellness experts, and motivational masters. I'll send out the details in a separate email once I have all the logistics laid out.


These are the times that try men's souls. Great challenges offer the opportunity for great action.." the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."

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