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Is there Peace without Happiness clarity mindset peace Sep 13, 2021
The Buddha taught that even happiness is dukkha - an ancient Pali word meaning “suffering” or “unsatisfactoriness.” This is one of the infinite numbers of pairings represented with the yin and yang symbol; happiness, by its existence, brings an equal amount of...
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The Seven Social Sins influence mindset principle Aug 24, 2021
I've been trying to make sense of world events over the last ten days. I don't want to attempt to make sense of anything for anyone in particular in this shorter than a typical essay. Still, one phrase kept coming to mind in light of current events, and that is; Politics without Principle. I'm...
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The Human Theory of Relativity control growth mindset Aug 17, 2021

What was Einstein trying to figure out? The great mystery he was trying to understand was gravity. Honestly, we still don’t understand precisely how gravity works. Science being what it is, we have plenty of evidence of the existence of gravity. What Einstein did was try to look at gravity...

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The Subtle Art of Humility growth influence mindset Aug 11, 2021
We’ve all been to that party. You’re new to the group. You know it’s up to you to put your ego away to connect with folks. You remember to make the conversation about the other. You are showing deference and asking about what the other does and why. Or perhaps about the emotions...
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I know Your Purpose growth mindset purpose Aug 05, 2021
I believe that we are not put on this world for one reason and one reason only. Our purposes are many. But some are universal and timeless. Finding your purpose, essentially your vocation (the intersection of your skills, your passions, and where you find abundance), is, in essence, your search...
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Take the Path of Most Resistance challenge clarity growth mindset Jul 28, 2021
I love analogies. They are most helpful in explaining our world. Take, for example, the behavior of electrons. Remember that all atoms are the building blocks of all physical matter. We know this through centuries of scientific experimentation. In recent years we've even been able to make the...
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Failure is the Great Educator clarity courage failing forward growth mindset Jul 20, 2021
In my weekly quote post on Monday, we put up a great one from Isabella Stuart Gardener; "Win as though you were used to it, and lose as if you like it."…Simple but profound. ISG was an eccentric patron of the arts. She and her husband built the ISG Museum in Boston, home to her collection...
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Life is not a Zero-Sum Game clarity courage growth mindset Jul 15, 2021

I remember exactly where I was when I first heard the term Zero-Sum game. It was Dr. Palmer’s class in Analog Computing. Our lab had to configure multiple operational amplifiers to create a scaled amplifier where one input was the signal to be amplified, and the other input was the...

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In Joy, In My Self freedom mindset motivation Jul 06, 2021

Waiting. It’s the bane to our existence; Waiting in lines, waiting for the mail, waiting for acknowledgment, waiting for wealth, waiting for the next shoe to drop.

To live in the moment is a practice of inward observation and reflection. Living in the moment doesn’t mean not having...

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Bread and Circuses connection growth mindset Jun 30, 2021
 The metonymic quote attributed to the first-century poet Juvenal is, "Give them bread and circuses, and they will never revolt." At the time, pagan Rome was deteriorating. The political sentiment was one of appeasing the growing restlessness of the masses. Whether intentional or not, the...
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