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The Human Theory of Relativity

control growth mindset Aug 17, 2021

What was Einstein trying to figure out? The great mystery he was trying to understand was gravity. Honestly, we still don’t understand precisely how gravity works. Science being what it is, we have plenty of evidence of the existence of gravity. What Einstein did was try to look at gravity from a different perspective or dimension. He understood that objects have a greater gravitational pull when they are closer together or when they are larger. But what connected all these objects together. Space! Eureka! Einstein posited that the relative impact of gravity between two objects was proportional to the amount that objects distorted or warped space. Here is a short video that explains the concept a bit better.

My Human Theory of Relativity is nothing new; I simply gave something well established and well known a cheeky name.

How do you behave relative to others? What is the connecting force that is analogous to space? Here is what I think. It’s our perceptions. Perceptions are based on assumptions and are therefore problematic. So, simply stated, break free of your ill-conceived perceptions based on assumptions and taking things personally. Disconnect from the gravitational force that creates our faulty perceptions.

What drives us is not so much what we want, but it is what we believe. Childhood forges our beliefs. They become crystallized. It’s the work of therapists to unwind the traumas we all have. Still, I think we can disrupt the orbit of many of our self-destructive beliefs by identifying and eliminating the faulty assumptions that guide our behavior.
These assumptions we have about others, ourselves, and how life works that do not serve us are part of what Ekhart Tolle calls the “pain-body.” By dissociating from the pain-body that comes from past resentment and anxiety about the future, we can destroy their gravitational pull on us and smash their relative impact. It’s a defying of the laws of personal development.

I suspect that one day, another Einstein will discover the key to controlling gravity. Then, we will be one step away from God, I suppose. Perhaps this is the key that unlocks the infinite. I’m not sure I’m ready for that. But I am prepared to defy the laws of Human Relativity.

Be well, dear reader.

Oooh…Big news next week. Stay tuned.

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