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Itā€™s All in Your Mind control habit formation mindset psychology Oct 12, 2021
Failure and success are self-filling in every way you can imagine. Because, it is through imagining that we fail or we succeed.
Mindset is the result of many external factors. Our family, mentors, friends, environment, experiences, and education all combine creating a set of core beliefs....
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The Human Theory of Relativity control growth mindset Aug 17, 2021

What was Einstein trying to figure out? The great mystery he was trying to understand was gravity. Honestly, we still don’t understand precisely how gravity works. Science being what it is, we have plenty of evidence of the existence of gravity. What Einstein did was try to look at gravity...

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Control Brings You Freedom Butā€¦ Freedom is fleeting without Control control freedom personal growth Jun 08, 2021
Studying history was never my strong suit. Now, it seems, I can’t get enough of it. Edith Hamilton, the celebrated scholar of ancient Greece, once said. “Fundamental to everything the ancient Greeks achieved was their conviction that good for humanity was possible only if men were...
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