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In Joy, In My Self

freedom mindset motivation Jul 06, 2021
In Joy, In My Self

Waiting. It’s the bane to our existence; Waiting in lines, waiting for the mail, waiting for acknowledgment, waiting for wealth, waiting for the next shoe to drop.

To live in the moment is a practice of inward observation and reflection. Living in the moment doesn’t mean not having goals for the future. Living in the moment does not mean disconnecting from the past. Living in the moment means doing right now that which we employ the lessons we’ve learned and the targets at which we aim.

What we are doing right now is what defines our joy. If you are pursuing a means to an end, you find no joy in that. The perfunctory execution of tasks leads to the dulling of the soul.

Wait in line with real presence and joy. Observe the world around you. What do you see? Learn from all that you encounter. Be there with your breath and your senses. Take that moment to be grateful.

Here is an excellent lesson from Master Po.

But, do not confuse this inward focus with self-centeredness. We are of our tribe; however, you have defined it. Our interactions with others are based on trust. We can build trust by identifying our values and staying in alignment with them. I like this short video where the Dali Lama describes this in his perfectly present way.

Why does the Dali Lama seem so at peace? His state is one of constant joy.

If someone apologizes for keeping you waiting, tell them, “That’s OK, I wasn’t waiting. I was enjoying myself.”

In Joy, In My Self.

Be well, dear reader.

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