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To Think or Not to Think - Spirituality and Practicality

entreprenuership meditation mindful intention motivation reading list Jun 10, 2019

From a spiritual perspective, overthinking is the devils' playground. Think about that. 

How often do you dwell? Do you routinely ruminate? It happens to me all the time. It is a very selfish endeavor. When I emerge and realize my folly, it reminds me with striking CLARITY of the 2nd Toltec agreement*; Don't take anything personally. 

From a practical perspective, focused thinking is the font of growth. 

Thinking with focused intention takes practice. It is an activity that quickly falls by the wayside in today's social media driven environment. Stopping everything else, and spending time with pencil and paper, and your focused thought is an elemental activity of High-Performers.

In Michael E. Gerber's bestselling book, "The E-Myth Revisited," he recounts the natural entrepreneurial evolution. Small businesses and start-ups begin with technicians; individuals who bake, sequence DNA, weld, code. A technician is someone who loves to create something, and often creates for someone else. There comes the point when many decide that they can build on their own, apart from the bureaucracy and perceived oppression that working for someone else entails. They start a new business. Success ensues, but it is short-lived. There are two other personalities that the successful business person must embrace; The Manager and The Entrepreneur.

The Manager is the creator of systems, simplicity, process, routine, and the purveyor of efficiency.

The Entrepreneur is the THINKER.

Everyone is an entrepreneur, in some sense. Everyone will benefit, from focused, intentional thinking. Creation, growth, and evolution demand it. Fill every week with some time devoted to deliberately targeted thinking. If you've been at the mercy of the complexities of our crazy life, try this. Find 50 minutes in your week. Pick a subject; your dream, your relationship, your hobby, your book. Pick anything. Meditate for 5 minutes and clear your mind. State your INTENTION for the next 45 minutes. You intend to think about only one thing. Journal your thoughts. Conduct a proper brainstorm. Don't critique what you write, at least not yet. Get into MINDFLOW. 

These skills take practice. Over time, you will be amazed at how your spirit will soar when you practice the Second Agreement. Over time you will be shocked at what new ideas your fertile mind produces. 

*" The Four Agreements," Don Miguel Ruiz

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