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In Consideration of Kaprekar's Constant mindset positive mindset reflection Oct 11, 2022

In the days leading up to blog post day, I knock around a few ideas, outline them, and choose the most relevant ones. I ended up settling on something that's not obviously relevant, at least in the discipline for which it resides; Mathematics. 

What is unique about the number known as...

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Persistence is Everything mindset motivation personal growth positive mindset positive psychology Jun 02, 2021
When I was in my senior year in high school, it was to be glorious. We were poised to be a basketball powerhouse, and I was tapped to be a co-captain. In a spurious episode of fate, I suffered a tear of my right knee cartilage while playing sandlot football. My coach publicly excoriated me on a...
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What is your "Idiosynchronicity?" habit formation mindset positive mindset positive psychology May 25, 2021

"Eureka," I exclaimed as I typed the above title. We all hope one day to make up a word that will become part of the standard lexicon. In fact, we might even be a "hope-temist!" Aha, there is another word I made up. Not to be confused with a Hoptemist, which is an obscenely overpriced...

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The Ever Elusive Work-Life Balance inspiration positive mindset spirituality Dec 02, 2020

It's all about perspective. That's what I've come to find. Why is it that those of us who live the most simplified lives tend to be the most content? Don't they want more? Of course, they do! And they always get it. It's just a hell of a lot more accessible. 

Before you sell the house and...

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The Power of Now positive mindset reading list Mar 23, 2020

In times of turbulence, we turn to transcendent texts and tomes that teach us a better way. Some of these are The Bible and the Koran. Some contemporary guides to spiritual growth are books such as "The Four Agreements" and "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle.


This week starts a series of...

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