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Congruence and Creation congruence growth mindset Jun 23, 2021

How often do you stop to think, and I mean deeply think, about what you are doing? It's one of those silly things that require constant reminders. Because guess what? It's too damn easy to get comfortable and complacent and maintain your status quo.

When you stop trying, you lose your edge. When...

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Persistence is Everything mindset motivation personal growth positive mindset positive psychology Jun 02, 2021
When I was in my senior year in high school, it was to be glorious. We were poised to be a basketball powerhouse, and I was tapped to be a co-captain. In a spurious episode of fate, I suffered a tear of my right knee cartilage while playing sandlot football. My coach publicly excoriated me on a...
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What is your "Idiosynchronicity?" habit formation mindset positive mindset positive psychology May 25, 2021

"Eureka," I exclaimed as I typed the above title. We all hope one day to make up a word that will become part of the standard lexicon. In fact, we might even be a "hope-temist!" Aha, there is another word I made up. Not to be confused with a Hoptemist, which is an obscenely overpriced...

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The Law of The Vital Few courage disruption human dynamics mindset May 18, 2021

Natural Law can be described mathematically with rigorous application of established proofs (remember High School Geometry). It can be characterized sociologically as laws that apply to everyone independent of a terrestrial governing body, i.e., The Golden Rule. I find it fascinating when both...

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1,000 Voices in Your Head authenticity clarity mindset May 12, 2021
The ancient Toltec culture from Central America called it "Mitote" (mih-toe-tay). Our emotional and intellectual complexity has been around for thousands of years, and it is a problem today as much as it was then. Who doesn't ruminate on things that are a total waste of time? And when that...
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Motivation by FEAR or FREEDOM courage fear freedom mindset motivation May 05, 2021
The last remaining Freedom that every person has, even in the face of tyranny, is to choose how they respond to any given situation. Your choice is all there is, in the beginning, and in the middle, and in the end. 
"The Freedom to Choose." I put this in quotes because it represents a...
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Feed Your Spirit clarity essentialism mindset philosophy spirituality Apr 30, 2021
Spiritual development follows a profoundly personal path. Like any of our beliefs, even the existence of a "Spirit" is not beyond dispute. I know what spirit is for me. And I recognize it as an arena of life, like health, relationships, mission, hobby, that has unlimited upside potential. 
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On Freedom and Fear courage fear freedom mindset Apr 22, 2021

"All religions, arts, and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom."

- Albert Einstein


"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and...

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Ain't Nobody Messing With You, But You courage habit formation mindset Apr 07, 2021

The wind howls tonight. It's wild, this winter New England wind. It looks intimidating, evidenced by the spastic whipping I see from the several flags outside my window. It sounds worse, with its off-distant, low-level roar and its climactic howling crescendos. It can't be controlled. Yet, I love...

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Finding Purpose in Everything You Do courage growth mindset purpose Apr 07, 2021

I have to admit, finding purpose has always been an elusive endeavor. At times I would feel deeply about my purpose, and other times, meh. If only I could label it, bottle it, and drink it on demand, wouldn't that be grand? Well, you can. We all can. It's not that hard.

I don't believe we have...

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