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Bread and Circuses

connection growth mindset Jun 30, 2021
 The metonymic quote attributed to the first-century poet Juvenal is, "Give them bread and circuses, and they will never revolt." At the time, pagan Rome was deteriorating. The political sentiment was one of appeasing the growing restlessness of the masses. Whether intentional or not, the tiny devices we hold in our hands are the circuses of today. I'm committed to spreading the word of the insidious nature of our growing dependence on immediate electronic gratification. 
Every morning I start my day reading "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. It's part of my continued practice to release the past and stem the worry of the future. I read this line this morning that commanded my attention: "Humans are a dangerously insane and very sick species. That's not a judgment. It's a fact."
We succumb to the designed digital stimuli constantly, comparing ourselves to others, passing judgment on those we love, neglecting making our bed. Metaphorically speaking, we should always make our bed, or as Jordan Peterson has said, "Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world."
Does it seem preposterous for me to suggest a simple antidote to the ills of the world? First of all, it is not my suggestion. I'm just passing it on. It’s this. Work on yourself, just a little bit every day, forever. That's it. Do you want to be an "influencer?" Convince one person to do this, or even consider it, and you've changed the world for the better. Start by convincing yourself. 
Examine your moods. Could you take note of them? How much are they influenced by what others say? And if when I say "others," the Kardashians came to mind, well then, you've got some work to do. 
The practice of acceptance is stage one. By practicing acceptance, you get to a point where you generate those negative emotions less and less. 
The practice of remedy is stage two. If you cannot accept the emotion or the catalyst of the emotion, be it a relationship or an event, then do something.
We've all been aware of the polarization that has taken root all around us. Families are breaking apart because of false assumptions and high-minded judgment. The remedy is to do something. You can forgive. You can try to understand. In the end, you might have to accept. 
Acceptance applies to our internal conflicts, I believe. Be the observer and take a perspective of ourselves to see how silly our minds can be. See how we jump to conclusions. See how jealousy and resentment can alter our behavior. See it and be amused at our humanity. 
Stage three is surrender. As Tolle wrote, “If there is genuinely nothing you can do to change your here and now and you can't remove yourself from the situation, then except you're here and now totally by dropping all resistance. The false, unhappy self that loves feeling miserable, resentful, or sorry for itself can then no longer survive. This act is called surrender. Surrender is not weakness. There is great strength in it. Only a surrendered person has spiritual power. Through surrender, you will be free internally of the situation. You may then find that the situation changes without any effort on your part. In any case, you are free."
It's a constant struggle. Connect with your internal self and observe your mind. Reject the "circuses" fed to you every day. Weening ourselves from digital distractions is a significant first step. Forgive and accept both internally and externally. These are practices I continue to develop. It's not too late, ever, to start getting agency and putting your house in order. 
Be well, dear reader.

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