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I know Your Purpose growth mindset purpose Aug 05, 2021
I believe that we are not put on this world for one reason and one reason only. Our purposes are many. But some are universal and timeless. Finding your purpose, essentially your vocation (the intersection of your skills, your passions, and where you find abundance), is, in essence, your search...
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Take the Path of Most Resistance challenge clarity growth mindset Jul 28, 2021
I love analogies. They are most helpful in explaining our world. Take, for example, the behavior of electrons. Remember that all atoms are the building blocks of all physical matter. We know this through centuries of scientific experimentation. In recent years we've even been able to make the...
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Failure is the Great Educator clarity courage failing forward growth mindset Jul 20, 2021
In my weekly quote post on Monday, we put up a great one from Isabella Stuart Gardener; "Win as though you were used to it, and lose as if you like it."…Simple but profound. ISG was an eccentric patron of the arts. She and her husband built the ISG Museum in Boston, home to her collection...
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Life is not a Zero-Sum Game clarity courage growth mindset Jul 15, 2021

I remember exactly where I was when I first heard the term Zero-Sum game. It was Dr. Palmer’s class in Analog Computing. Our lab had to configure multiple operational amplifiers to create a scaled amplifier where one input was the signal to be amplified, and the other input was the...

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Bread and Circuses connection growth mindset Jun 30, 2021
 The metonymic quote attributed to the first-century poet Juvenal is, "Give them bread and circuses, and they will never revolt." At the time, pagan Rome was deteriorating. The political sentiment was one of appeasing the growing restlessness of the masses. Whether intentional or not, the...
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Congruence and Creation congruence growth mindset Jun 23, 2021

How often do you stop to think, and I mean deeply think, about what you are doing? It's one of those silly things that require constant reminders. Because guess what? It's too damn easy to get comfortable and complacent and maintain your status quo.

When you stop trying, you lose your edge. When...

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Elusive Contemporary Spirituality connection essentialism growth spirituality Jun 16, 2021
Western societies are suffering from a troika of malevolent dynamics. At once, we are more disconnected, suffering from the long-term effects of a global pandemic, and without the broad spiritual safety net relied on during prior travails. 
Our disconnectedness comes at the hand of...
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Finding Purpose in Everything You Do courage growth mindset purpose Apr 07, 2021

I have to admit, finding purpose has always been an elusive endeavor. At times I would feel deeply about my purpose, and other times, meh. If only I could label it, bottle it, and drink it on demand, wouldn't that be grand? Well, you can. We all can. It's not that hard.

I don't believe we have...

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Understanding Mastery growth mastery mindset motivation purpose Mar 31, 2021

Last week, I introduced Daniel Pinks's first element to his motivation framework; Autonomy. This alone is a key motivator. But, there is more!

You would not be surprised to know that 50% of employees are not engaged at work in the US. To live a Charged Life, we desire full engagement, joy, and...

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Autonomy Motivates entreprenuership growth mindset motivation personal growth purpose Mar 28, 2021

Once upon a time, I worked at a wildly successful company. It was deeply science-based so that I could geek out on the awesomeness of its tech. It was a dominant market leader because it took calculated risks. It was expertly managed. It was autonomous.

One day, while in transit from visiting my...

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