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What if Energy was FREE?

clarity energy high-performance coaching meditation necessity positive psychology Aug 19, 2019

This is the great equalizer — unlimited FREE ENERGY for anyone who wants it. There is an excellent SCIFI book in this premise, and in fact, there is scholarship and rumor out there to suggest that Nicolai Tesla left us the roadmap to harvest free cosmic energy. But I digress. You can have all the free ENERGY you need. You can GENERATE it yourself. “The power plant doesn’t have ENERGY, it generates ENERGY.” - Brendon Burchard. How do you generate all the energy you need? Read on, oh curious creator of comprehensive CLARITY.


Seeking and finding CLARITY is one thing. Having the juice to execute on the roadmap’s that increased CLARITY illuminates is another. Having the momentum and inertia to CHANGE into your better angel makes real CHANGE daunting. Well, CHANGE as illustrated in our definition of High-Performance (…”consistently exceeding your standard norms over the long term”…) certainly seems that way. That is until you uncover the lifeblood of High-Performance, which is NECESSITY. 


NECESSITY undergirds everything having to do with HP, including generating the ENERGY you need to prosper. When I say you can generate unlimited ENERGY for yourself, I speak from experience. There are infinite ways to level up when it comes to ENERGY. Do you think you’ve got the juice to get ‘er done? Damn straight you do, Bucky! You’ve reached a whole other level. No matter who you are. Do you think Tom Brady rests on his laurels? No way. Every year, he comes into training camp with new approaches and new strategies. How you ask? Through the NECESSITY he has created for himself via positive psychology. 


NECESSITY comes from Internal and External Forces. Internally, we have our Standards. How high are yours? How often do you reflect on what you do when no one is watching? We can also have an Obsession. What do you obsess over? What is the one thing you can’t stop thinking about? Because when we think about things, and we reflect, we build internal mental momentum that translates to generating more significant amounts of ENERGY. The External Forces include Social Duty or Purpose. Each day ask yourself: “Who needs me to be my best today?” Finally, there are Real Deadlines. Are you CONGRUENT, and are you IMPECCABLE WITH YOUR WORD, when you make commitments. Is your integrity unquestioned by…YOU?


With NECESSITY, we have the impetus and the drive to extend, and to push ourselves. Each day what can you do to generate the ENERGY that gives you your Highest Performance? Here is a straightforward idea, from an infinite portfolio of things I’ve tried, and this one works. Every 50 minutes, without fail, get up from your desk. Stand and stretch. Practice Qigong, or scaled breathing, or walk. To transition back, release tension and set intention. Meditate for just 1 minute, feeling the tension flow from your brow. Empty your mind for only one minute. Then, return to your project and state out loud your intention. “I’m going to make sales calls now, and I’m going to be positive in a way that is noticeable.” It works. From this simple technique from an infinite array of options, you will be able to keep your mental energy high longer, getting more done and generating more mental momentum. 

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