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The Only Way to Build Momentum

Jul 15, 2019

Hmm. Well, that's a pretty bold statement. I mean, who can proclaim that they know the only way to do anything? Well, today, I am bold. Moreover, what I want to share with you is all that you need to know. Quod Erat Demonstrandum - That which was to be demonstrated. Not quite yet. Read on for the details.

Be bold to identify the "Breaks" that mess you up. Let's say you've got two spectacularly productive days under your belt this week, but Wednesday is a bust. What happened? What was the break? For me, it's usually when I fail to be consistent with my morning routine. Sometimes this is promulgated by a "night before transgression." For me, that transgression is usually diet related; The Devil Dessert, The Incubus Ice Cream, The Succubus Sweet, The T'an-mo Treat. Invariably, when I succumb to this addiction, I wake up with a brain fog like a Glousta Habah Pea Soup, which leads to staying in bed a bit too long, which leads to being late for everything and skipping my morning routine. 

Perhaps, I felt like I deserved a reward for crushing it for two days. Maybe I felt entitled to disrupt my momentum with a break. Recognition, reflection, response is then my mantra to get things back on track. However, what do I do to get back on track? I take an anchor, usually my morning routine, and add something new to it. Adding something new refreshes the method and offers me a challenge, but it must be a small addition, a "First Gear Addition" if you will. This last week I added a quick stretch and hydration immediately after my feet hit the floor. To accomplish this, I use Mel Robbins "Five Second Rule." While still in bed, I count down out loud; Five, Four, Three, Two, One, and then I follow that physical act with another physical act. I build momentum with a tried and true response.

This is the only way to build momentum. You cannot build momentum by launching all your physical or mental weight behind a heavy load. You must start in low gear, especially mentally. One achievement leads to another more taxing task, building momentum slowly. You then keep the momentum going by avoiding the "Breaks."

Avoid the "Breaks," start anew using a tried and true "Anchor," and launch with a few "First Gear Additions." It works every time. Simple common sense, but common sense isn't always common practice.


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