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The Golden Road to Unlimited JOY - The Four Agreements

personal growth psychology spirituality Nov 04, 2019

There have been some profound tomes I have enjoyed throughout my life. If I were to pick a comedic work, it might be “Confederacy of Dunces” by John Kennedy Toole*. If I were to pick a novel that transported me to another time and place, it might be “Cannery Row” by John Steinbeck. If I were to pick a book that impacted me, perhaps more than any other, it would be “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. 

Humans are incredibly complex. If you have a grasp on your own reality, then you are likely impacted by varying amounts and at varying times by the Four Horsemen of Fear; Anger, Jealousy, Envy, and Hate. The Good Lord knows that I, your humble author, have had plenty of experience in the company of these riders. It’s almost as if the negativity that is brought on by them is somehow satisfying. Eckhart Tolle speaks of this in his most disarming of “Tolle-Type” ways in this short video. 

Find some TOLLE PEACE here.

Here he discusses how the agreements made with all the different egos that occupy our minds are addicted to negative self-talk. There is an absolute perverse, comforting, satisfaction that comes with overt displays of anger and hate. The “Pain-body” that is our emotional pain feeds on negative thoughts and grows more significant with time. How then do we break free from this cycle and make our way to the path of everlasting JOY?


Don Miguel Ruiz recounts the learnings and teachings of the Toltec culture (see link below). The Toltec spoke of the concept of Mitote (MIH-TOE’- TEY), which is the dream of 1000 voices. Hindu teachings refer to this as MOH MAAYA or the grand illusion. 

Find some TOL-TEC INFO here.

Over our lives, we make dozens of malicious agreements with ourselves. One of the 1000 voices talks with another and says, “you are not worthy.” Just like Wayne and Garth.


When the Four Horsemen appear, they leave self-doubt, guilt, remorse in their wake. Humans punish themselves regularly for not living up to their own high expectations. 

To live a life of unbridled JOY, we must break the cycle of fear created by the false agreements shouted to us by our Mitote that makes up our EGO. The Four Agreements is the most straightforward path to find that JOY that I have seen. 

In the next four weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, I will be reviewing each of the Four Agreements. I hope you are inspired to pick up this incredible little book and give yourself the gift of JOYOUS POTENTIAL.

*John Kennedy Toole’s story is one of the most fascinating of any author I’m familiar with. Having written only two books he took his own life, despondent that Confederacy of Dunces was rejected time and time again. He allowed the Mitote to rule his life. His work was posthumously published and won the 1981 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.


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