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Reject Schadenfreude, Discover Abundance

flow mindset Mar 29, 2022
While starting my day reading "The Leadership Secrets of Atilla the Hun," I thought about my day so far. Here was my routine:
  •  Wake up last 5 am
  •  Make coffee
  •  Drink ACV and water
  •  Full body joint articulation
  •  Stretching and yoga
  •  Run one mile (18 degrees F today…nice!)
  •  Pour coffee
  •  Sit down at my desk
  •  Meditate
  •  Say my simple affirmations out loud: I will feed my spirit, I will train my body, I will focus my mind, I will demonstrate courage
  •  Visualize my day
  •  Read
  •  Write
In this rich first hour of my day, I eschew any connection to tech. Early tech plants seeds of anxiety. The quiet of the sleeping house, the feeling of overcoming the challenge of the cold morning, the creeping sunlight as I type, the first sip of coffee, all of these simple things provide reverie and abundance. With this mindset, I know my day will be exceptional. 
Often, when down on our luck, ill, broke, broken, we lament, "at least I don't have it as bad as Will Smith right now," or some other familiar figure who is seemingly worse off than us. This kind of celebration of another's misfortune or bad decision is a bit foolish when you think about it. Your ability to see the good in the present is tied to someone else's misfortune. When we do this, we understand its foolishness, and that's why it usually makes us feel worse in the long run. Instead, appreciate the infinite abundance around you right this minute. I can feel the life force in my hands and my feet. I can see beauty and order everywhere with my one good eye. I can hear the joy in the cardinal's voice as he heralds the Spring. My mindset is prepared to cultivate my day with deep gratitude for this infinite abundance at hand. This, my friends, is a beautiful way to start your day. It doesn't happen every day, but I make it more likely to happen tomorrow by writing this. Thank you for that.
More to come. 

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