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Putting it out There

courage fear Oct 28, 2019

What is COURAGE? To exercise courage, it's essential to know what you fear. To get in deep, it takes a High-Performance Coach. When you have an objective, skilled, confidant who is in your corner, you can identify your fears, and then you can address them. Sometimes all it takes then is just to put it out there and tell someone, so I'm telling you, dear reader, what I am going to do.

The photograph that accompanies today's post was taken in the Summer of 2018 from the confines of a Cornish Pilot Gig (rowboat) within the inner harbor of Gloucester, Massachusetts. While alliteration is always an excellent way to make a pitch, some might question the juxtaposition of Burgers and Bait. Although, if you know any real fishermen, you'll see that they are not of the faint of heart. So this fellow knows his market. And he decided to literally and figuratively put his business out there, in the harbor and the market. Yet…

This past Summer, the Burger and Bait Boat, was still there, but he made a marketing adjustment and named his pontoon boat something else. I can't recall the name. Perhaps he thought his marketing wasn't appealing to the anchored pleasure craft. No matter. He put his business idea out there. And he made a course correction.

But I digress.

I'm creating my first Life Engine Optimization Course entitled: "Life Engine Optimization Toolkit." I will be launching this new initiative on January 1st, 2020, just in time to start your new year. The course consists of five video lessons. It's my first attempt at this. It will not be perfect. Its imperfections will accelerate my learning in every dimension of production. Please hold me to it.

To help overcome your fear, tell someone. Whether it's personal or professional, if you have a goal, an issue to resolve, or a habit to overcome, broadcasting your intent builds your COURAGE. When we know people are rooting for us, we are elevated.

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