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Life in Two Dimensions - Human and Being

connection influence mindset Jan 18, 2022
We are funny creatures. We tie deep significance to symbols and signs that others might see as silly. We all have belief systems that are the source of these connections. Some of us are raised in various mainstream faith traditions, others in alternative traditions, perhaps some of us, no faith traditions at all. Regardless, we have beliefs that can be neither proven nor disproven to one another. This is deeply personal and cannot be questioned, in my opinion. 
I want to share with you a symbology that I had never considered before. 
I often mention Ekhart Tolle as a spiritual teacher of mine. I find his perspectives to be profound and respectful of everyone. He has a beautiful interpretation of the cross, which offers a powerful and empowering view. 
Growing up catholic, the cross always represented, for me, the Passion of Christ, the sacrifice of His life to offer everyone an opportunity for everlasting life. Tolle thinks of the cross as a map for life in two dimensions.
The vertical dimension connects us to the present moment. It is the divine infinite to which we are all connected. Here we are all whole, complete and perfect. Understanding this helps us realize that there is nothing else we need. This belief frees us from the regrets of the past and anxieties of the future. 
The horizontal dimension is where there is thinking and doing. This dimension has time as its master. We need time to win a Nobel Prize or make a cup of tea. This dimension enables us to grow. It is here where we experiment with our gifts and our limitations. This is where we mature and gain knowledge. It is where we live.
Many of us are out of balance. We might tie too much to the vertical dimension and not take care of the necessities of life. There is a kind of unfulfilled potential realized here. Alternatively, we might tie too much to the horizontal. Here, even the greatest of accomplishments do not satisfy us. There is never enough. Here this lack of satisfaction leads to another kind of emptiness. Unfulfilling limitations still cause us to work harder until we burn out, sad and unsure why all of our hard work didn't bring us the happiness we dreamt of.
The art of living brings the two dimensions together and lives in their intersection.
The horizontal is where we are "Human." Our imperfections are apparent. 
The vertical is where we connect to the source, god, or the universe. It is our essence and our "Being."
In the horizontal, there is instability in the world and with people. Here things go "sideways." Here we become disillusioned. We create bizarre theories based on false assumptions or taking things personally. The horizontal will let you down if you give it absolute importance.
The vertical provides a continuous source of satisfaction. Thinking is replaced with awareness. You don't judge in the vertical. You don't become unhappy. There is peace.
If we can connect to the vertical, it makes our potential on the horizontal more accessible. Understanding that we are all whole and perfect because we all have access to the vertical, our self-judgment and negative self-talk evaporate. Living at the intersection allows us so much more of life. Here we understand that we are all part of a timeless, all-present source. It's what the Gospel intends to convey, otherwise known as The Good News. 
My perspective is subjective, like everyones. Even though my upbringing influences this symbology, I hope you can find use in applying it to your life.
More to come.

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