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Leadership and Authenticity

authenticity frameworks high performance influence leaderahip Oct 04, 2022

Several weeks ago, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to give an interactive lecture to an auditorium of engaged college students on the subject of leadership. We discussed the high-performance leadership framework that goes deep into the areas of:







After the session, there were several questions. The line of questioning caused me to consider which of these six is the master that rules them all. After careful consideration, I would say the leadership characteristic of embodiment is foundational.

French philosopher Michel de Montaigne maintained, "The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself" — the idea that a person thinks of oneself as an individual with a distinct identity and interior life, whose most profound sense of personal identification informs and inspires how they live in the world. And when this interplay between the inner self and its expression in the outside world is harmonious, consistent, and aligned, it is said that one is living an authentic life.

Ben Jones, assistant director of the Rock Ethics Institute at Penn State, wrote, "When individuals entrust the responsibility of governing to representatives, they seek to know their representative's core commitments." Authenticity is paramount for leaders of all stripes, be they CEOs or politicians. To follow someone is to trust them. Things start to break down when we lose trust in those who represent us on a broader scale. 

We are all leaders. We all influence others. Some of us are innately authentic and are so-called natural-born leaders. Others not so much. For whatever reason, we have lost touch with who we are and what we believe. Maintaining a set of core values and principles that we live by every day builds authenticity. Leadership is a skill and, as such, should be cultivated and developed. 

Here are seven ways to build and bolster your authenticity. 

  1.  Know yourself - Gaining insight into your values and beliefs is foundational. Have you ever taken the time to write down what you value most? Which type of people, activities, or situations make you feel the most alive? Are there people or parts of your life that make you feel unhappy, angry, or toxic? Answer these questions, and you will gain some critical clarity.
  2.  Be Present - What does it mean to be present? It's pretty simple; pause throughout the day, release the tension you are experiencing, and set the intention for how you want to act. The more frequently you take these short personal check-ins and reflections, the more authentic you will become.
  3.  Build social support - It's easy to stray from the path. Social support, be it through the church, trusted friends, or a personal coach and mentor, brings us back to who we are.
  4.  Communicate assertively and openly - Some people are passive communicators and hold back from sharing opinions. Others aggressively dominate conversations and fail to listen. With passive-aggressive communicators, sarcasm and dishonesty block an authentic exchange. Assertive communication means: Expressing your needs honestly with confidence; Listening to other people when they speak; Keeping eye contact during a conversation; Being able to say no (this last one has the added benefit of cranking up our productivity).
  5.  Plan your day - Without a sense of what we want to get done today in service of our goals, it isn't easy to be congruent with our values. No goals, no growth. No planning, no goals.
  6.  Retreat and gain perspective - Sometimes, we need space to take stock of things and recharge. With the constant drumbeat of our over-informed lives, it's easy to get lost in the sauce of social media. Step back to see the bigger picture. 
  7.  Score yourself internally - Do you measure progress with an external scorecard, constantly comparing yourself to others? If so, your authenticity will take a big hit. Instead, measure your progress internally. Here is where you find real peace of mind.


Be well, dear reader.

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