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Indecision is a Radical Decision

clarity consciousness flow mindset Nov 18, 2021
Many think that a decision has to be a conscious choice. It doesn’t have to be. Often, we let the decision be made for us by not being conscious. Oppositely, being in Flow is another way of saying you are in control.
Letting a deal go down without consideration is a sin of omission. It’s a form of deep resignation, I think. It’s a kind of voluntary relinquishing of the incredible power your very existence has given you—the power of your mind.
We only have so much mental stamina and pristine clarity with which to operate. If our consciousness were able to expand infinitely, we would be godlike. Our limitations in this regard are oh so human. So we build things to extend our consciousness, but this is a false god; the internet, artificial intelligence, and applied technology in all forms are nothing but distractions from the real honest work of the mind. Even with all of these platforms to elevate our consciousness, we still feel empty. Why is that? 
We may have all kinds of access to realms and virtual worlds, information at our fingertips, and first world problems that include;
  1.  I had to wake up at 4 a.m. to go on vacation.
  2.  I hate this new diet.
  3.  That barista spelled my name wrong on my latte.
  4.  My internet is running so slow.
  5.  My sink is full of dirty dishes, and my dishwasher is full of clean ones. This is going to take forever.
So how happy and content are the most wealthy and powerful? It could be argued that with great wealth and power comes great insecurity at the potential for loss. In a survey entitled The Quality of American Life, 
finances did not rank high as a metric to measure happiness. 
I’ve taken to running a mile every morning. I listen to a room on the Clubhouse app hosted by music producer Deraj Global during my runs. The other morning he was replaying a spoken word piece by Earl Nightingale. I was reminded of a simple dictum from the Bible verse Galatians 6:8; “You reap what you sow.” Yes, this is so simple. Farming metaphors seem to resonate with many people. We also understand that from time to time, we need to prune to foster more growth. 
What to sow and when what to prune, and when are all decisions that we make. If we let the decision to plant pass, then seeds from outside our control will take root. So too, lacking the foresight to prune properly will make our life grow spindly and without leaf. No deciding is the most radical of all decisions.
Knowing what to decide and when requires consciousness. We are our most constant when in Flow. Let’s dedicate ourselves then to the pursuit of putting ourselves in Flow on demand. We will discuss this more in the coming weeks. 
Now, a public service announcement.
I was a mild snorer. For years and years, I did not decide on the matter. I let it ride. I finally decided to try again and get a sleep study. Eight years ago, I was told I was okay. This time, with a different doctor, my sleep study showed I have moderate sleep apnea. After using a CPAP during sleep for two weeks now, the results are nothing short of astounding. I no longer suffer from occasional brain fog. I’m alert throughout the day. 
If you think you suffer from sleep apnea and have been told you’re okay, get another opinion now. For that matter, for any suspicion you have of mal health, take action. Don’t let radical indecision let sickly seeds sprout. 
Be well, dear reader.

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