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Disruption, Exercise and a Warning

affirmations clarity mindset Mar 10, 2022

This week is the launch of The Influencer Series - Episode Number Three. Joining me in conversation is Deirdre Sartorelli, Director of the Angle Center of Entrepreneurship at Endicott College. We dig into the exciting happenings at Endicott and discuss the critical elements of how disruption can be a catalyst for positive change. Check it out.

Let's revisit our morning routine. 

S - Silence, or Meditation

A - Affirmations - Stuart Smalley? I think not

V - Visualization - All the greats do this

E - Exercise - Early morning aerobics launches your brain

R - Reading - One must feed the now activated brain

S - Scribe - Time to write. Time to reflect. Time to plan


In the winter months, I will combine Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, and Exercise into one 20 minute chunk. After some stretching in the garage, I'm out the door in silent meditation. After a 10 minute walk, I go another 5 minutes and state my affirmations out loud and visualize my day. Granted, you run the risk of awkward looks as you recite affirmations, but at 5:30 am, in the cold winter air, I usually have the streets to myself. Then, in snow boots, I jog back to my home. When I return, the boost of aerobic exercise has my brain focused, and I'm filled with motivation.

I've discussed this in the past, but I feel a need to revisit. Opioid addiction is a massive issue in the US. I know firsthand how easy it is to get addicted. After three months of pain soothed with Oxycodone, the veil was lifted last week. My total knee replacement had some complications, namely, lots of fluid in the knee. The joint was so pressurized that when bent, the pressure impinged on a nerve creating pain that required narcotics. In the last three months, I've vacillated between pain states and doped states. The doped states where the only times I could work. I came to believe that I needed the meds to feel good. Psychologically, I found it hard to give them up. Still, I weaned myself down from 60mg per day to 5mg per day. I suffered intermittent withdrawal throughout.

Last Tuesday, my doctor and I decided to risk infection and aspirate the knee. Removing 150ml of fluid was like the sun breaking through the clouds. Having weened myself to a low dose, it was simple for me to immediately quit the pain meds. Many folks are not so lucky.

I know how easy it is to get hooked. Take this as a warning for yourself and your loved ones. Pain meds are miracles for those of us who have severe pain. They are also deadly for many whose pain is chronic, or who are in the throes of depression. Take care of yourself and the ones you love. Be informed and be careful.

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