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affirmations connection mindset Feb 22, 2022

First snd foremost, today, I am launching the second installment of the HigherARC Influencer Series. Gary Magnant, CEO of Tribiotica and Founder of the ICV Venture Engineering Fund 1, is joining me today to talk about building networks.

Click here, people!

An Affirmation a Day

Following my post last week, let's revisit my morning routine.

S - Silence, or Meditation

A - Affirmations - Stuart Smalley? I think not

V - Visualization - All the greats do this

E - Exercise - Early morning aerobics launches your brain

R - Reading - One must feed the now activated brain

S - Scribe - Time to write. Time to reflect. Time to plan

If you don't know who Stuart Smalley is, well, you know how to find out. Because of SS, affirmations are easy to ridicule. But I am here to tell you they work!

I have three simple foundational affirmations I say every day.

I will FEED my SPIRIT.

Every moment of every day is an opportunity to feed your spirit. It's the ultimate expression of self-love, and yes, people, you can love others only to the level you love yourself. Oooh. I like that. You can quote me.

M. Scott Peck said it best.

"Love is the will to extend oneself for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth… Love is as Love does. Love is an act of will — namely, both an intention and an action. Will also implies choice. We do not have to love. We choose to love." You see, self-love proceeds the ability to love another. Self-love requires a willful action for personal growth and development. Without this, we squander our gifts, we miss out on fulfilling our true destiny and our highest calling, and we cannot achieve the state of Blissful Joy. We progress the best when we measure ourselves against ourselves.

I will TRAIN my BODY.

My brain is part of my body. My face is part of my body. My voice is part of my body. Besides the obvious stuff, read books, smile more often, speak with distinction and joy. There is a lot to unpack with this one.

I will FOCUS my MIND.

I'm a dog. I chase squirrels. It's my biggest productivity suck. There are a ton of distractions at home; the guitar over there, the deck out back, the half-eaten box of Oreos. With the implementation of structure BLOCK TIME, I am a ninja at distraction removal. I meditate for 30 seconds to release TENSION. I consider the next task (ie, write book chapter) and set and INTENTION (Focus like a laser on this one thing). I set the timer on the phone for 50 minutes. I estimate how much I will get done in 50 minutes and write it down. Ready, start go! At the end of 50 minutes, I measure how much I got done vs. the estimate, I stretch, or practice scaled breathing, or eat a few Oreos, and then; I do it AGAIN, and AGAIN, and AGAIN. A day with three solid blocks is an auspicious day for me.

For you dogs out there, here is a squirrel. Here is a new release from The Blue Honey Drops. Check it out! It's one of our best.

See you Wednesday when I will be launching a co-authored Blog with Deirdre Sartorelli, Director if the Angle School for Entrepreneurship at Endicott College. The title:

"Three Ways to Make Disruption Become An Inflection Point for Opportunity"

See you then!

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